Sunday, January 27, 2013


Today i start what is called the 2ww (2 weeks wait). i worked at the morning and i browesed the internet about everything to expect during this period and when implantation shuld occur.

Things are not going well in Egypt and all the news are stress ful while i was planning to sit and watch only coedy movies and cooking programs i ended up watching people dying in my country.

God bless Egypt and bless my babies.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Embryo Transfer

Today was my embryo transfer day. we went at 8 in the morning; Mum and Sherif joined us today.
However, I entered my room at 10:00 and then they took me 15 minutes after that.

they gave me 1 liter bottle of water and asked me to drink it all which was very difficult but i did it; i was ready to do anything at this point just to finish.

After that i entered a dark room and the dr. started working...something very painful was put inside of me which made me uncomfotable but he promised that there won't be any more pain..then he transfered my embryos; 2 A grade and 1 B grade while saying some nice Do3aa.

they returned me back to the room and i stayed there for an hour on my back then put on my cloth and left.

i am staying now at my mum for the next 5 days to rest and i'll be working from home during this period.

i am actually feeling ok but afraid that any move might harm my babies.

hope the 2weeks wait pass quickly ...ya Rab

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Progestrone Shot

today i started my PIO injections; yes more shots. but since it's intramuscular needle, we had to get somene from the pharmacy to give it t me 9:00 am and to teach Mo how to give it to me since i'll be having it for around 3 weeks.if progestrone oil is vital for my embryos to survive, then i'll have to do it :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Egg retrival

Today was my egg retrival. we went with mum and my mother and father in law joined later. i didn't feel anything of course during the surgery but now i am feeling some pain below and am feeling so bloated.
I'll go to sleep since i m planning to go to work tomorrow.

Friday, January 18, 2013

5th ultra sound...follicles just fine

Today i did my blood work and ultra sound and it seems my 10 follicles are ready :))))))))))))))

the dr. decided that tomroow i should take my trigger shot and that my egg retirval will be next monday :)

can't wait to finish this stage...Ya Rab

we went to have breakfast at TBS Maadi and then went home to prepare as my brother and new wife are coming to vist us at night with mom.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

4th ultra sound

Today i expected that my follicles will be the right size and that my egg retrival will on friday or saturday but i made the ultra sound and my follicles are not yet the right was a bit disappointiung but i am optimistic.
Hope tomorrow the dr is going to decide the surgery date.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

3rd ultra sound

Today was my 3rd ultra sound. my follicles are still growing i think i have 10 now but not in the right size yet.
and of course more blood work.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Follicles growing

Today i had my 2nd ultra sound and blood work. my follicles are starting to grow :)
I took more gonal and Maygon with me home

Monday, January 7, 2013

Baseline Ultra Sound

Today was my first Ultra sound in the IVF cycle. my period is almost over and i'll start more shots from now on. My dr. was not in Egypt so another dr. had to do the ultra sound which made me more nervous.

i did some blood work and took the gonal and Mayon shots with me home..more shots :S

we went to have breakfast at Benous Maadi and then went back home

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mo is giving the shot

Tonight Mo decided to try giving me the shot because he doesn't like to depend on smeone from outside. i couldn't give it to myself as i was scared but he did and it was just i can depend on him to give me all the shots from now on :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

First Lucrin Shot

Tonight we went to the hospital to find a nurse to give me the Lucrin shot. we know we are going to have so many shots in the future so we had to find someone to depend on. it didn't hurt at all...i took it in my leg and it was just fine and the nurse told us that she is there almost everyday which is quite a relief.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Surgery

Today i had a small surgery in the morning. It was the first time in my life to take anesthetic. I was so nervous. they asked us to come to the clinic at 9 but i entered the surgery room at 12 so 3 hours of anxiety. i was also fasting and asked not to enter the bathroom to have a full bladder. during the waiting i read a bit in "الفيل الازرق" and watched "اولاد العم" movie on the tv in the room

The surgery was to check my uterus in details and decide the place where they will but the embryos later on. during the surgery they found some extras in my uterus and they removed them which is something that is a bit painful now.

After i woke up i found Mo still watching the movie. he was so supportive today.

We took the lucrin shots and sme antibiotic and went back home.