Saturday, January 26, 2013

Embryo Transfer

Today was my embryo transfer day. we went at 8 in the morning; Mum and Sherif joined us today.
However, I entered my room at 10:00 and then they took me 15 minutes after that.

they gave me 1 liter bottle of water and asked me to drink it all which was very difficult but i did it; i was ready to do anything at this point just to finish.

After that i entered a dark room and the dr. started working...something very painful was put inside of me which made me uncomfotable but he promised that there won't be any more pain..then he transfered my embryos; 2 A grade and 1 B grade while saying some nice Do3aa.

they returned me back to the room and i stayed there for an hour on my back then put on my cloth and left.

i am staying now at my mum for the next 5 days to rest and i'll be working from home during this period.

i am actually feeling ok but afraid that any move might harm my babies.

hope the 2weeks wait pass quickly ...ya Rab

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