Monday, November 29, 2010

My Bucket List

I felt inspired to write my list after watching the movie for the second time :D

1-Go to Disney World (hopefully with my kids)
2-Attend a fashion show in Rome
3- Get into an air balloon
4-Dance in the rain with my love
5-Walk barefoot on the beach in the middle of the night
6-Attend Christmas ball drop in New York
7-Build a snow man
8-Buy a Chanel Necklace
9-Write a book; i don't have to publish it
10-Attend a festival in Brazil
11-Get a master degree
12-Go camping
13-Attend Cirque du Soleil Show
14-Make a difference in at least one person's life
15-Ride a cable car
16-Dance tango with my love
17-Visit Taj Mahal
18-Go into a fishing trip and actually catch a fish
19-Ride a gondola in Venice
20-Play guitar
21-Stay in a bungalow in the Maldives even for just one night
22-Ride an elephant
23-Visit Paris; the city of love
24-Go snorkeling
25-Take the Mediterranean Cruise
26-Watch a waterfall
I know these are too many but one can dream right :)
If I remember more stuff, I’ll keep adding...

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