Wednesday, December 22, 2010


2010 has been a good year for me Elhamdulellah in so many ways.

Now that it's about to go, it brings a smile to my face to look back and remember the things i've experinced in this year:

1-I finished my MBA studies in AUC and graduated in Feb. 2010
2-I started my career as a trainer in Feb. 2010
3-My Katb Ketab and wedding cermony were in March 2010
4-I traveled to two beautiful countries in my honeymoon (Thailand-Malaysia)
5-I learned to be responible for a whole house ( Cooking, Cleaning, Entertaining, Saving....etc)
6-I traveled to Turkey in October 2010
7-I started crocheting in November 2010 and i really enjoy it
8-I am about to travel to KSA for the last week of the year for Umra so Elhamdulellah i believe it's a good ending for such beautiful year.

I am looking forward for more thrilling experiences in 2011 insha2 Allah:D

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