Monday, January 17, 2011


Favorite color: Purple
Favorite perfume (guys): Aqua di Geo
Favorite perfume (girls): Flower Bomb
Favorite pj brand: Victoria Secret
Favorite clothes brand in general:Zara
Favorite person in the entire world: My entire family
Favorite country: Egypt
Favorite car: Smart
Favorite sport: Gymnastics
Favorite sport player: Roberto Baggio
Favorite spot in the World: Phuket
Favorite animal: Lion
Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite singer: Kazem Al Saher
Favorite day in the week: Friday
Favorite time of the day: Morning
Favorite holiday season: Spring Break
Favorite number: 6
Favorite food: Molokheya

Favorite chocolate: FanFare (Allah yer7amha)
Favorite cartoon:Finding Nemo of course!
Favorite blogger: Attic 24
Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Coffee and chocolate
Favorite Mobile Brand: Nokia
Favorite name: Joud
Favorite hobby: Reading and handcrafts
Favorite room in my house: Living Room
Favorite Fruit: Mango
Favorite flower: Calla Lily
Favorite Quran Reciter: Mashary Al Rashed
Favorite Ayah:
قوله تعالى : إن أصحاب الجنة اليوم في شغل فاكهون هم وأزواجهم في ظلال على الأرائك متكئون لهم فيها فاكهة ولهم ما يدعون سلام قولا من رب رحيم

Favorite Website: ehow, blog, Facebook, Google

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